

For My final year project I created an interactive comic book narrative “BLACK CHERRY” which allows the user to explore three different endings of a story, “Ultra, Nostalgia, and Eclipse” each of these titles represent three different stories. Each title has a poetic meaning to It. Ultra represents an extremist view, Nostalgia represents an emotional attachment, and eclipse represents a once in a lifetime event. The main story is about a boy played by myself who keeps running into his ideal woman, but each time he’s close to happiness he’s met with obstacles he must overcome, the plot twist is he doesn’t know it’s all just a dream till the end. I used adobe flash animate for this project. I created Black cherry as Inspiration for a storyboard I am working on. For my upcoming music video. So the narrative is accompanied with a backing track with no vocals on it.This is to give the user a feel, as to what type of music I will be creating. On the homepage there are three buttons ...

black cherry nostalgia button

Nostalgia coding  These are the coding of each stories. This is where it starts 

black cherry nostalgia ending

Black cherry chapter 1 Nostalgia  In this scene kyle goes on a search for his woman in his car as she has gone missing and wants to finish talking with her i edited it here using the editing tool on my phone called paint in this photo i am in my car this is one scene where i have taken inspriation from steve lacys dark red  music video. This picture was also edited on paint in this scene though Kyle finds his dream girl and they finally get to see each other again i decide to go with a red color in this scene as i feel like it intensifies the moment.                                           in the unedited folder the mystery girl is holding onto my neck i wanted to make it seem as if she was strangling me but when editing it didnt come across as that so i changed it too a scence where it looks like we are embracing ...

Navigation Buttons

Navigation button     For my comic navigation I created a forward and backward button in Photoshop.  The button design was a simple one of an arrow one going right and one going left the background of the arrow is dark brown and the arrow its-self is white to use this button the user must click on either side and the arrow will take you too your desired page the only page which i have not included an arrow is my home page and on the last page of each story line i have included a home button in its  place. The arrows This is an example of what the arrows look like on my artifact  Coding for button  coding for my button wasn't too difficult as i used  tutorials online to show me when i got stuck and i have past experience with coding as i have made artifacts in the past before   the above example is the code i was using for my navigation button. Video tutorial coding for b...

black cherry nostalgia

Black Cherry chapter 1 Nostalgia Her ex boyfriend  tries to start a fight with Kyle who isn't interested in fighting, because he is still jealous that she has moved on. one thing leads too another and they begin to scuffle this is an example of my edited work. in this scene I edited the surroundings blue to give it an abstract vibe.                                                                   Kyle pushes the mystery girls ex into his car this gets him fuming and he warns  Kyle that his action will be dealt with that he should watch his back as he isn't playing any games 

Home button

Home button I created my home button on Photoshop but i edited it on my phone editing tool too give more of a sketch appearance since i created three different narratives i added three different types of colours for my home buttons to my comic  as seen below  I edited on my phone so I can get it to look more comic style. Coding for the home button This is the coding that I have used for the home button.


                                                             Third Party Materials  Diabolical Rabbit (2017) Steve Lacy Image [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 14-05-2018] YouTube (2016) Animate - Adding Sound to a Button [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 14-05-2018] Woman Silouttes (n.d.) Woman Silouttes [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 14-05-2018] Car Stopping (n.d.) Car Stoppimg [Online] Available at: