Navigation Buttons

Navigation button  

For my comic navigation I created a forward and backward button in Photoshop. 
The button design was a simple one of an arrow one going right and one going left the background of the arrow is dark brown and the arrow its-self is white to use this button the user must click on either side and the arrow will take you too your desired page the only page which i have not included an arrow is my home page and on the last page of each story line i have included a home button in its  place.

The arrows

This is an example of what the arrows look like on my artifact 

Coding for button 

coding for my button wasn't too difficult as i used  tutorials online to show me when i got stuck and i have past experience with coding as i have made artifacts in the past before   the above example is the code i was using for my navigation button.

Video tutorial coding for button

The video below is an example of the type of videos i would look at if i got stuck on animate creating a button


YouTube (2015) Creating Buttons / Navigation in Adobe Flash CC [Accessed: 14-05-2018]


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